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Ⅰ 求一篇介紹重慶火鍋的英語文章



In the 1920s, it developed and expanded in Jiangbei City, Chongqing. Generally, the peddler buys the buffalo tripe, cleans and cooks it, and then cuts the liver and stomach into small pieces.


A clay stove was placed on the shoulder, and a large iron basin was placed on the stove. In the basin, there was a kind of spicy and salty sauce, so the laborers at the bridge end of the river were surrounded by the burden.


Every one of them decided that it was not only economical, but also caloric to eat a certain amount of hot food. It was not until the 23rd year of the Republic of China.


Only a small restaurant in Chongqing city has upgraded it. It has been moved from the shoulder to the table. The clay stove is still there. It has only replaced the divided iron basin with a small red copper pot, and the stew and dip are also changed to be coordinated by the customers themselves, so as to be clean and suitable for the taste of Chongqing people.


Ⅱ 關於介紹美食的英語短文帶翻譯

清晨的陽光把你照耀,清新的空氣把你擁抱,伸個懶腰做做 體操 ,一天的生活無限美好,釋放壓力排除煩惱,放鬆心情美美容,飽覽美食身苗條。下面是我整理的關於介紹美食的英語短文,歡迎閱讀!

Chinese food is famous all over the world if you ask a foreigner how about Chinese food they will be full of praise。


When we see the movie Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently there is a famous movie called A Bite of China the movie is popular it introces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out more and more Chinese traditional food has been introced. After appreciating the movie I begin to learn more about Chinese food I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food when we talk about it to foreign friends we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture they should be inherited.

當我們看到電影時,中國的食物廣泛受到人們的贊揚。最近,有一部很出名的電影叫《舌尖上的中國》,電影很受歡迎,介紹了來自中國不同地方的食物。觀眾受到了這些美味的食物吸引,他們從來沒想到中國的食物可以有這么多的種類。現在電影的第二部分也已經上映,介紹了越來越多的中國傳統美食。欣賞了電影以後,我開始學著了解更多中國的美食,我想要嘗一嘗。我為我們國家的食物感到自豪,當我們和外國朋友討論中國食物時,我們能感覺到他們對我們食物的喜愛。這些食物是我們 文化 的一部分,應該要傳承下來。
我愛炸醬面 I love Fried Bean Paste Noodles

There are different kinds of noodles in our country. In Shanxi, the most famous noodle is sliced noodles, in Guangdong, it has dry fried noodles; in Si chuan, people love spicy hot noodles very much. Born in Beijing and live in Beijing, I love fried bean paste noodles the best.


The fired bean paste noodles is very easy to cook. First of it, you should slice the cucumber into pieces, cook the soy bean and green bean for about ten minutes, then put these material in a bowl. Second, stir-frying the paste. Mix the minced meat, ginger and green onion, and then put them in the pan, keep frying the paste until you can smell the aroma. Last, put the paste onto the noodles you have prepare and add the cucumber, soy bean and green bean to the noodles. The fried bean paste noodles are done. If you have time, you can try this, I sure you will love it.

中國食物 Chinese Food

Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.

美味的食物 Delicious Food

I like to go out with my parents, they will take me to different shops. In the shop, they like to order different food for me to taste them. My parents know me so much, they know I like to eat delicious food, so when they order the new food for me, it makes so happy, I like my parents.

火鍋 Hot Pot

Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know it’s hot pot. Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features. For example, Sihuan hot pot is hot while Guangdong hot pot is famous for its fresh. Usually, there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is kept simmering, dishes are put into the pot. Beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes. It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It’s a good way to relax.



1. 關於美食的英語文章閱讀

2. 關於美食的英語句子

3. 關於飲食文化的英語作文

4. 關於美食的英文單詞

5. 關於健康飲食的英語短文

Ⅲ 自製清湯火鍋底料





Ⅳ 關於火鍋的英文介紹

A Delicious Dish In this issue, two of our Chongqing colleagues introce to usthe Chongqing hotpot- known as one of Chongqing' s Three Treasures(the other。two being the pretty girls and night-scene!).


Their favourite way of savouring this Sichuan speciality is to visit local hotpotrestaurant that is popular with the locals and follows authentic recipes. Therenowned spicy hotpot was originated in Chongqing and the most authentic one is to cooked with tripe,

名揚四海的麻辣火鍋發源於重慶,而最正宗的就是麻辣毛肚火鍋,以厚味重油著稱,傳統湯汁的配製是選用辣豆瓣、豆豉、 四川甘孜牛油、花椒為原料。食材繁多,如圖中所見,包括鮮肉片、海鮮、蔬菜、菌菇等。吃火鍋時,最好配上一杯開胃解油的綠茶,便可減輕麻辣的感覺了。

the end-result having a taste which is typically rich and oily.This traditional soup base is further enhanced with spicy bean paste, fermented soya,beans, yak butter from Ganze, Sichuan,and Sichuan pepper(hua jiao),etc。






Ⅳ 幫忙翻譯一篇英語短文: 此「火鍋」非彼「火」「鍋」。 HOT pot (火鍋) is many














Ⅵ 介紹火鍋的英文作文




Hot pot is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste, scalding yet fresh and tender. People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal, electric, or gas filled with a flavorful and nutritious soup base. You have a choice of spicy, pure, and combo for the soup base. Thin-sliced raw variety of meat, fish, various bean curd procts, and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base. You then dip them in a little bowl of special sauce. Be careful since the spicy soup base is burning hot.

First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in the Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city. There are a great variety of hotpots, including Yueyang Hotpot, Four Tastes Hotpot, Yashan Hotpot, and Fish Head Hotpot. If you are adventurous enough, you can basically cook anything with hot pot, e.g., pigs brain and cks kidney.

Chongqing people love their hotpot, especially when the weather is steamy. The fire dances under the pot, the heavily oiled and spiced soup boils with hazy steam, and the people are bathed in sweat. Although hotpots can be found wherever there are street vendors or small restaurants, Chongqing Hot pot has the greatest variety and is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce.





Ⅶ 幫我翻譯一下這篇名叫重慶火鍋的英語文章吧!!!


火鍋 - 重慶最著名和最受歡迎的一種吃食。重慶當地居民將其視為當地特產,它的特點是麻辣燙(胡椒--<應該有花椒的> 和辣椒),但卻爽口刺激。人們圍坐在湯汁翻滾的火鍋旁 -- 這個火鍋以木炭、電、或氣為燃料,湯底富含美味和營養。你可以選擇辣味的、原味的或是混合型(鴛鴦)湯底。 切成薄片的各種生肉、魚、各式豆製品及各類蔬菜,都可用來在沸騰的湯里涮。然後,把涮熟的食物蘸上小碗中的特製醬料(就可以食用了)。要注意的是,鍋底的湯處於沸點,很燙。

(火鍋)最初是重慶地區長江上貧苦船工們的吃食,後來向西普及,遍布整個四川。現在,它更是重慶這座城市的最愛,各個角落都能看到它的蹤跡,而且這類繁多 ,包括岳陽火鍋、四味火鍋、崖山火鍋、魚頭火鍋,等。 如果你有足夠冒險精神,你可以在火鍋中涮制任何食物,比如豬腦、鴨胗等。

重慶人喜愛他們的火鍋,尤其是潮濕的天氣里。火焰在鍋下起舞,浮著厚厚一層油的濃香的鍋底湯升騰著霧氣,人們大汗淋漓。 盡管提供火鍋食品的可能是街頭小販、或是路邊小館,但它千變萬化的品種和美味的湯底以及特製的蘸料則是天下無雙的。



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